Monday, January 18, 2010

What's Holding You Back?

Greetings to You ~

What's the biggest thing holding you back from living the life of your dreams?  You may think right now it's time or money but there's a different answer.

It's actually not knowing how it will happen that can hold you back.

It's wanting the answers of how this dream and vision will unfold.  How would I get the money.  How would I find the time.  Have some patience with needing to know how.

Do you feel you must have everything planned in order to take the next step?  The beautiful thing is that it's the magic of synchronicity and fortuitous events that often lead to the greatest opportunities.

When you made your Exploration List, did you think of reasons why you couldn't take action?  It was on purpose that you were to imagine having a six month paid leave of absence because it took the top two common worries out of the equation.  Money and time.

It's natural for us to stay and do what we've always done.  Our subconscious actually wants us to stay right where we've always been.  If you really want the dream you can activate the energy by starting to envision it today.

We need to practice letting go of how it will happen when we create a vision.

Name the biggest things holding you back.  Is it money?  That's a legitimate concern.  How much money would you need to make the change?

Are you concerned about time?  How many extra hours would you need?  Determine the amount of time you need take the next steps.

This brings to light what's really holding you back.  Rather than having it stop you and think it's impossible, you know what you'd need to remove that obstacle.  You don't need to know "how" the solution will come but you'll know "what" you need.

1.  Get clear on your vision
2.  Know what's holding you back
3.  Be specific with what you need (i.e. time, money) to remove the obstacle

Congratulations!  You have created a vision for your dream and know what you need to move forward.

Next, we'll focus on inner guidance.

Peace and Joy ~

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time to Explore and Do Something Different

Greetings to You ~

How did you choose the career you're in right now?  Was it based on:

  • how much you enjoy doing the work; or
  • how much money you'd be paid

If you're earning a good living but not feeling happy and fulfilled you're not alone.  So many of us have been responsible and hardworking at the expense of our own peace and joy.

Some people don't mind working at a job that is "just ok" because they do something meaningful outside of their working hours.  If you're missing something in your life that lights you up try exploring.  If you don't, it's likely you'll become discontent and miserable.

Are you living for the weekend?  A wise mentor once told me that I needed to get a mid-week life.

It didn't seem possible with the hours of work, the commute, family commitments and maybe getting some exercise.  They were all "gotta do's."  But that was an excuse for not taking action and getting out of my comfort zone.

Consider what you would do if you were given a six month paid leave of absence.

  • Would you be happy to travel and return back to your existing job?  
  • Would you want to go back to school and learn something new?
  • Would you want to complete a creative project you've dreamed about?
  • Would you spend the time developing a business idea?
  • Would you just love to spend time at home with your family?

Make an Exploration List of 10 things you would do.  This week take one action to help put the wheels in motion toward one of those dreams.

It may be to read a book, look for a course, research on-line, talk to someone who's doing what you'd love to do.  This action will activate possibilities.

Just like dating, we can go out, have fun and not get married to an idea.  Make a commitment to go somewhere where the person you dream of being would hang out.

Happy dreaming and exploring.

Peace and Joy ~

Friday, January 1, 2010

Gratitude and Appreciation in 2010

Happy New Year Greetings to You ~

Are you wanting a deeper connection with yourself and others in 2010?

One of the steps to creating or maintaining a deep connection is to stay in the high energy of gratitude and appreciation.  We want to keep this energy activated everyday and create momentum.

Why do we want to do this?  It avoids the roller coaster of feelings between good days and bad days. When we perceive things went well it's easier to be grateful and appreciative.  You'll be running your cup way more than half full by creating this daily ritual.

You'll be writing every day in a gratitude journal.  Choose whether you're going to take five minutes first thing in the morning or five minutes in the evening before you go to sleep.  It opens up your day or brings closure to your day with the high energy of appreciation.

Some people like to choose a specific number of things they are grateful for each day.  I use an engagement calendar with every day of the week on one page.

You may wonder if you really need to write it down.  Can't you just think about what you're grateful for?  It's important to write it down because the outer action brings clarity and focus.  A key step with manifestation.

Start with, "I appreciate that..." or "I'm grateful for..."  Also include at least one thing that you appreciate about yourself.
  • I appreciate that I'm finding the big and small things that are good in my life
  • I appreciate that I'm becoming stronger, wiser and more grateful
  • I appreciate that I took time for yoga
  • I appreciate my beautiful hair, eyes, smile...
  • I appreciate my unique gifts as a...

I'll share with you a quote from this week's Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar that I use as my own Gratitude Journal.
"Think of the beautiful happenings of the last year... Sow the good you did in the past on the fresh soil of the New Year, that those vital seeds may grow in an even better way."                            ~ Paramabansa Yogananda
Your feelings of gratitude and appreciation are the seeds of good things to grow in 2010.

Peace and Joy ~