Monday, February 15, 2010

Source of a Greater Power

Greetings to You ~

Do you ever wonder where great ideas come from?  Think of your physical self connecting to the energy of a master computer where the storehouse of all information is kept.

We often access that information and receive downloads from the master computer even when we don't realize it.  Most of us have experienced a coincidence or synchronicity where out of the blue, we receive just what we needed.  An answer to a question, a solution to a problem, inspiration for a new project or a new idea that inspires us to take action.

How does a synchronistic event or coincidence occur?  We're not really sure, and because we can't explain it we can sometimes discount it.  But there are times when we can't explain it but feel sure that a source of something greater than us must have been involved.

Knowing that there is this source can help us keep a dream alive.  You don't know how it's going to happen but you believe the way will be shown.  It will unfold step by step.

Let's connect some dots.

  • You are grateful for what you have, even if your situation may not be ideal. 
  • You have appreciation for where you've come from and what you've learned so far.
  • You are aware of a feeling or a nudge to do something or make a change.  
  • You are aware of your inner guidance encouraging you.
  • You feel inspired to act on the nudge and you feel free and alive.  
  • You have awakened to your Spirit.
  • You are listening to your kind, gentle inner voice more often.  
  • You have awakened desires and dreams and are willing to explore.
  • You are feeling more connected to yourself and others.
  • You notice there are times when coincidence and synchronicity lead you to the next step.  

This really resonates when you've had some direct experience with it.

Particularly when the source of a higher power was involved.  How was it activated?  Where did it come from?

Tomorrow I'll share with you an experience I had last month and how the source of a greater power was activated.

Until then, stay connected.

Peace and Joy ~

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Being Present with Others

Greetings to You ~

When you awaken and connect with your own Spirit it's often referred to as "being present."  You may do this through meditating, journaling or going for a walk in nature.  It's time spent alone.

Imagine what it would be like to activate that same feeling of awareness and presence when you're with another person.  Imagine how it would feel to not just be at ease speaking with others but to really connect with them.

I'm a shy person who found it rather difficult to start up a conversation and nurture new relationships.  I also had a huge fear of public speaking and in 2003, decided to face those fears by attending a speaking group.

I was inquiring about a Toastmasters club when it was suggested that I try Speaking Circle.  It was described to me as a gentle way to unlearn habits of performance speaking and learn to be your authentic self with others.  That's when I first learned about Lee Glickstein's process called Relational Presence.

Lee Glickstein wrote the book, "Be Heard Now!" based on his own fear of public speaking.  He now teaches others to "Tap into Your Inner Speaker and Communicate with Ease."  You can unlearn habits of performance speaking and learn to be your authentic self with others.

I still attend a local Speaking Circle but now the focus is to remind myself of the importance of listening to others.  To listen to other people's silences as well as their words.  To speak when Spirit moves me rather than react to my own nervousness or interrupt a perceived awkward silence.

Chapter Four of Be Heard Now! explores Listening with the Heart:  Letting Others Be Heard Now.  I'd encourage you to read the book or visit the website if improving the art of connecting, speaking or listening is of interest to you.

Enjoy listening and being present.

Peace and Joy ~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Awaken To Your Spirit

Greetings to You ~

What does awaken your spirit mean?  Intangible concepts can be difficult to grasp until you have direct experience with it.  What is love?  Same thing, it's formless.  But you know when you feel it...the beautiful, warm connection.

The dictionary meaning for spirit is "the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.  Such a part regarded as a person's true self."

Spirit awakens through your feelings which translates to your thoughts.  It speaks kindly and gently to you, and never beats you up.  It would never say the following:

  • I'm not good enough
  • I'm too fat
  • I'm too old
  • I don't belong
  • I can't do it

Inspiration is simply when we're "in spirit."  What inspires you?  Where do you go and what do you do when you feel inspired?

It's challenging to awaken your spirit when we're "in our head."  It's sometimes referred to our ego mind or our physical self.  It's when we feel pressure or a need to figure things out ourselves.  A need to know the answers or control an outcome.

Being in your head is when you've disconnected from Spirit.  Ideally you want to be connected to both your head and your heart.

Think of your Spirit as your best friend who knows you inside and out and wants the very best for you.  Your best friend is empathetic when things don't work out the way you had hoped but never feels sorry for you.  That's because your best friend, your Spirit, always sees you in your brilliance.  Always sees your full potential.

Next time you're feeling bad about yourself or a particular situation, take your Spirit to tea.  Listen to the wise, loving, gentle advice and inspiration your best friend has to offer.

You are beautiful.  You are smart.  You are perfect just the way you are.  The way will be shown.  Be patient.  Keep moving forward.

Just like a very best friend, your Spirit is always there for you when you call.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Awareness of Your Inner Guidance

Greetings to You ~

Are you uncertain with making decisions about important changes in your life?  Are you aware that you have inner guidance?

Some people call it intuition, gut feeling, instinct or an inner knowing.  It's your own inner wisdom that helps us decide what's right for you.

Who's advice do you trust more, your own or someone outside of yourself?  It's fine to receive advice and information from others but it's most important to assimilate that and run your options by your own inner guidance. 

This photo of the wise man in the rock is a literal example of our inner guidance.  It's always there but we're not necessarily aware of it.  When I first took this photograph I did not see the wise man's face complete with eyes, nose, mouth and beard.

If confusion, overwhelm or frustration are present your inner wisdom won't be that clear.  It needs a bit of time and space, even five minutes to clearly focus on your options and visualize how you feel with both scenarios.  Do you feel a lift or a dip when you imagine yourself with each option?

Another way that inner guidance speaks to you is through repetitive thoughts that nudge you and won't go away.  Especially take notice of information that comes your way from three different sources about the same thing.

One of my favourite ways of accessing my own inner wisdom is through journaling.  Writing down your questions and concerns helps to bring clarity.  Then with regular practice answers can actually come through on the pages.

Trust yourself.  Only you know when something feels right.  Never, ever, ever do something out of guilt or because you think it's the right thing that you should do.  You always want to bring positive energy to your outer actions. 

So you think you should go back and get a job doing the same thing you've always done.  How did you feel when you imagined yourself doing that?  If it was a dip of disappointment you need to re-evaluate your options.  There's a hidden desire you're blocking.  Try journaling about that.

There's are two books I love to recommend.  The first is Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and the other is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  Both were published more than fifty years ago but still relevant today.  In addition to showing how important self esteem is we learn how to use our inner guidance to direct us toward our goals.

Whatever way you choose to access your inner guidance learn to trust it.

Peace and Joy ~
