Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Bridges of Transition

Greetings to You ~

Have you experienced first hand what it's like to go from being an employee, to being unemployed to becoming self-employed?  Have you ever dreamed of it?

The word transition often comes up which describes a change, passage, transformation and shift that occurs.  There are different phases along the way.

Think of three bridges of connection, healing and hope.  You'll be crossing each one of those if you choose the journey of going from being an employee to being self-employed.

While you're still an employee is the best time to connect to your higher self, the power of a greater source.  If you're experiencing the contrast of what you don't want to show up in your life it's evidence that something has to change.  Only through self discovery will you know whether it's you who has to change by doing some inner work or whether your outer circumstances need to change.

After that you may realize that you really need to transition and change what you're currently doing.  Not because you're running away from something but because you know there is something else waiting for you that you must explore.

There are different choices you can make when you cross the bridge toward healing.  Leaving your job entirely is one choice but you could make a change to a less stressful job, work part time, anything to help bring some space into your life to regain your sense of Self.

If a transition occurs that is not of your own choice it can feel like a sad and lonely time.  If you haven't done it already connect to your feelings to understand how you want the next phase of your life to be.

A transition period that has been imposed upon you can become a great blessing but needs a bit of time to sort out.  Refrain from jumping into the next thing without fully recognizing the parts of you that need to heal and become stronger first.

Stepping over the bridge to self employment is like stepping into hope.  A feeling of higher self-esteem and security when you feel comfortable being you and speaking your truth.  Abundance follows along the path of self-employment and self-empowerment.

Once you've crossed the bridges of connection, healing and hope there is a bliss filled life waiting to greet you.  Walking along the path of overwhelm and burnout is not sustainable and it may be a sign that you need to cross a bridge.

Wherever you are right now is all part of the journey.

Peace and Joy ~