Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sharing My Vision

Greetings to You ~

Have you ever felt enthusiastic about changes you want to move ahead with and feel on purpose? I was.

My inner voice told me to hold those thoughts to myself for now. Do the work and research needed to be clear on my decision before sharing my vision.

But it just felt too juicy to keep to myself so I shared it with someone I love, trust and care about. Maybe the timing was poor or I didn't communicate my thoughts very well but their response was unreceptive.

You can have supporters but ultimately you are your own authority when it comes to what is right for you. What I see value and meaning in is my own truth.

Now I have an opportunity to focus on my own reactions, thoughts and feelings. Will I let that take me off course? Will I dwell on it and not make progress today?

I think it's an opportunity to learn, grow and understand.

I choose to remain positive.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Receiving Support

Greetings to You ~

My intention feels focussed but the options with next steps feel overwhelming. Go easy.

The answers also come clear and fast when you're open to receiving.

Three different sources have shared with me Heather Dominick's EnergyRICH system. Time to pay attention and look into that further.

I attended the Body Wisdom, Wealth and Purpose event in Vancouver this month with Kirk Prine, Donny Lobree and David Neagle.

I was blessed to meet some truly magnificent people. It immediately felt like a community.

A group of women have formed a team to share and support each other as we take the teaching into our lives. It's one thing to intellectualize knowledge but another to apply it in our everyday lives.

Having the direct experience can feel messy and uncomfortable. What sounds like an easy action can bring up fear, doubt and worry.

I feel so grateful to these amazing women for their support and inspiration on our call today!

Here's what resonated with me today:
  • "Change is inevitable, growth is optional."
  • "Feel the fear and do it anyway."
  • "Money is not my supply. Source is my source and supply."
  • "Move from your head into your heart."
  • "Use breath to move energy in your body when you feel anxious."
We need to connect and share.

Put yourself out there and ask for help.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Journey Begins

Greetings to You ~

My intention is to turn my Whisper Greetings hobby into a business so that I can share my gifts with the world. Those who need them will come and help heal the world.

An Intention = a Decision and call to Action.

Where do I start? By taking a first step.

What step is that? Anything that moves you forward.

What is moving me forward this week? Looking for a way to showcase the greeting cards I've already created.

Why? To post & share with others to find a business niche and figure out how to make money doing what I love.

How? Good question, lots of options.

I listened to a call with Baeth Davis (I attended her conference in June). She's an awesome coach and told everyone on the call to pick a revenue generating project this year and then said, "building your web site is not a revenue generating project."

How else do I share my cards if I don't post them on a website? Breathe. The answer will present itself.

I don't have to figure out the how. A marketing coach/mentor could help guide me on this journey.
