Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Journey Begins

Greetings to You ~

My intention is to turn my Whisper Greetings hobby into a business so that I can share my gifts with the world. Those who need them will come and help heal the world.

An Intention = a Decision and call to Action.

Where do I start? By taking a first step.

What step is that? Anything that moves you forward.

What is moving me forward this week? Looking for a way to showcase the greeting cards I've already created.

Why? To post & share with others to find a business niche and figure out how to make money doing what I love.

How? Good question, lots of options.

I listened to a call with Baeth Davis (I attended her conference in June). She's an awesome coach and told everyone on the call to pick a revenue generating project this year and then said, "building your web site is not a revenue generating project."

How else do I share my cards if I don't post them on a website? Breathe. The answer will present itself.

I don't have to figure out the how. A marketing coach/mentor could help guide me on this journey.


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