Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gratitude and Appreciation for You in 2009

Greetings to You ~

When was the last time you appreciated yourself and everything you do?

Gratitude and appreciation for yourself and your achievements is an important step to connect with your Higher Self.  It's a very high energy and can shift us away from lower energies of worry, fear, overwhelm and the like.

It's often easier for us to focus on gratitude and appreciation for others.  That's really great but we also need to learn how to be grateful and be appreciative for ourselves.

A good way to start is by making a list of 10-25 things you did in 2009 that you're proud of.  This may be difficult for you but it's SO important.

Why celebrate yourself?  Because you may forget how wonderful you are in the days, weeks, months or years ahead.  During those times you may hold yourself back from doing something really huge.  This list is for you to keep forever and refer back on.

It's more meaningful when you're specific and really powerful to include how you felt. Here's some ideas.

  • I learned how to...I felt really confident after expanding my comfort zone
  • I planted a garden...I felt so peaceful and connected to nature
  • I overcame a challenge...I felt stronger knowing I can handle things better than I thought
  • I helped my family...I felt so much love for...
  • I reached out to friends...I felt happy
  • I made a decision to...I felt enthusiastic 
  • I became more responsible about...I felt empowered
  • I had fun doing...I felt joy and freedom

Create a file in your desk or computer or keep a special journal where you'll save this Celebration List. Take one hour and list all of the wonderful things you did, journeys you took, leaps of faith and changes you made, challenges you overcame.  Add the good feelings that came from each of those.

You do things and have gifts that are special because there's only one of you.  You're unique and see things and people in your own way.

What if you held yourself back or felt some doubt with a decision to move forward with something? That's the time you'd take out your Celebration List of gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful things you've done and remember how awesome you really are.  You'll also remember those feelings and realize you are fully capable.

Cheers to you and all you did in 2009!

Peace and Joy ~

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giving and Receiving to Yourself

Greetings to You ~

How are you feeling after the holidays?  Feeling a bit tired?  Feeling disconnected with work and a regular routine?

That's natural after all of the outer actions and "doing" that has taken place up until now.  Sometimes it creates a habit of busyness. Saying yes to invitations or a feeling that we "should" get together over the holidays because you have some time off.

I'd encourage you to take time to connect with your own inner guidance. Ask yourself these questions:

What do you need for yourself right now?
What would replenish you and fill you back up?

Many of us need a bit of solitude and recovery from the giving to others.  A perfect time to give back to yourself is before the New Year as the urgency of getting things done goes on pause for a few days.

What if you received one of the following?  How do you think you'd feel?

  • Quiet time with a book
  • A break from cooking and going out to eat
  • Time spent in nature
  • Going for a walk or a run
  • Watching movies at home or going out to the theatre
  • Stay in your PJs all morning watching TV

So, before automatically saying yes to the requests of others and filling up your calendar, make yourself a promise.  Decide to do something really special and loving for yourself this week.

Pick the day and the activity.  Receive and enjoy the time for you.

Peace and Joy ~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lights of Hope

Greetings to You ~

Visited the inspiring Lights of Hope display at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.

Our family spent two Christmases there so compassion goes out to those who aren’t able to be home for Christmas.   Appreciation is also sent to those who work during the holidays in service to others.

For those of you who are missing a loved one who has passed on, hold a happy thought in your mind and close to your heart.  Their physical presence is missed but their essence and how they made you feel is just a memory away.

The challenging times often bring us closer to our loved ones and helps us appreciate what's most important.  It also makes us appreciate the happy, fun-loving times even more.  Let the people you love know how you feel even if you may feel a bit uncomfortable sharing that.

Extending a bright light of connection, healing and hope to you this holiday season. 

Peace and Joy ~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Connection

Greetings to You ~

Have you taken a moment to connect with the part of the holidays that fills you up?  The tradition that puts you in the feeling of joy, gratitude and appreciation. 

If you didn’t get your greeting cards out on time, forgive yourself.  What’s the intention behind your greetings?  It wasn’t to check something off your to do list.  You really wanted to connect with someone right?

How can you best do that?  Sending an email, an ecard, a letter or a card?  How about calling someone just to say I’m thinking of you.

Remember it’s about connection.  People crave this.  They really don’t care how you connect, they just want to know that they are remembered.

When you’re acting from spirit you have an invisible force on your side where more time and energy magically shows up.

Stop for a moment and ask if you need to give to yourself or someone else right now.  Take three deep breaths and a few minutes of silence.  What inspired idea comes to you?

Whether it’s connecting with others, yourself, a pet or Spirit.  Fill yourself up with that connection.

Peace and Joy ~

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice Tradition

Greetings to You ~

Many cultures celebrate the darkest night of the year as a birth of a new season.  Had to share a most incredible Winter Solstice tradition. 

In Vancouver there are two locations where a Labyrinth of Light is created with over 700 candles. A community centre is transformed into a sacred space.  When you walk through the doors it smells rich with beeswax and immediately you feel a shift of energy. 

By donation people are able to walk through the Labyrinth in a self-guided ceremony.  The intention when you walk toward the centre is to help release old attachments. Letting go of what no longer serves you.

As you make your way back out of the maze you envision new possibilities for yourself. 

This is a perfect time to consider your intentions for 2010.  Guaranteed, if you write it down and don’t even look at it again, manifestation will occur.  It gives yourself and the Universe clarity with what you want in your life.

Make a list of what you want to let go of or heal.  Not being good enough, smart enough, rich enough, thin enough….letting go of fear and worry.

Make a second list of what you want to bring into your life.   Consider what you want to expand in these seven areas:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Mental Learning
  3. Career or Volunteer
  4. Financial Wealth
  5. Family/Home
  6. Social Network
  7. Physical Health & Wellness

Create your own end of year tradition.  Light a candle and put your pen to paper with your desires and intentions for 2010…the year of illumination.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Creating Joy

Greetings to You ~

How do you create joy in your life?  Sometimes we're busy doing things that take us away from our joy.

Years ago when I was still working at my job I carried a little notebook with me that I filled with quotes, wisdom and inspiration.  In this little book I created My Joy List.  It was numbered 1-100 and only filled up to 52...but what a great list!

Why a joy list?  We have lists for everything lists, Christmas lists, to do lists, lists for work, lists for home.  Why not a precious list to remind you of activities that fill you with joy.

As kids that was our only priority and as adults we feel it's a luxury we can't afford.  Feeling good is a luxury we can't ignore.

The purpose of doing something on your joy list is simply to feel good.

What would be on your joy list?

  • reading a good book
  • going for a drive
  • walking a dog
  • going for a hike
  • watching movies
  • meditating
  • painting
  • singing

You don't have to use it as a reward after all the hard work is done.  Is there something on your joy list you can do before everything else?

Is savouring a good cup of coffee at your favourite cafe on your joy list?  That energy and good feeling will then flow forth when you continue with the other things you do.

When you notice something that you enjoy make a note of it on your list.  Then when you need some inspiration it's there for you.  A reminder of what lifts you up.

Go ahead and start creating rules.  Think of it as joy in progress.

Being in joy will make others around you happy too.  Please share your joyous experience with others today.

Peace and Joy ~

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Suspending Your Fear

Greetings to You ~

How do you feel about getting out of your comfort zone?

Do you feel energized by the thrill of a new adventure?
Do you prefer something that makes you feel safe?

I recently visited the Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver.  I felt called to go there and take photographs because of the word connection.

The bridge stretches 450 feet across and 230 feet above the Capilano River.  Imagine being at shoulder height of the Statue of Liberty.

It was only mildly swaying as I crossed the bridge with tripod and camera in hand. I spent some time taking photos of the pond before the suspension bridge was to be lit up with Christmas lights.  An hour later I was surprised with the volume of people, back to back, coming across the bridge.

I heard comments from those who found it thrilling and others who couldn’t remember ever feeling so shaken.  I was surprised because when I crossed the bridge I didn’t feel nervous, and I’m scared of heights.

But when I crossed back over to the other side it was a completely different experience.  Due to the extra volume of people it actually felt like a roller coaster and there was no way you could cross without holding on to the edge. 

I went into the mode of just taking the next step, the next step, until I reached the other side.

Looking back it was a great experience, more interesting and fun than if it was safe and steady.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a good night shot of the bridge lit up because it was rocking too much with the camera shutter having to stay open.  But it was direct experience with seeing how different conditions affect our need to shore up more confidence.

Changing our lives, doing something different requires us to take risks and get out of our comfort zone.  It could be going to a party where you don’t know many people or signing up for a course that you’ve always wanted to take.  How about changing careers?

Make a list of all the things you’ve wanted to do but have not done yet due to fear.  Choose one thing to take some action with in the next month.  Counterbalance any fear with courage.

Even if it feels like a baby step, I encourage you to get out of your own comfort zone.

Feel free to share your story here.  It can inspire others to do the same.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What's your dream?

Greetings to You ~

There is a huge awakening with more of us putting an emphasis on doing what we love.  We want to live our life on our own terms, schedules, foster our relationships, do what brings us joy and make a fabulous living.  Living life on purpose.

Are you saying that can't happen?  Does it sound like a pipe dream to you?

More and more people are looking to others who have already done this.  It's time.  People sharing their stories and how it all relates to your path in life.  Opening up and being available to others with your gifts.  

One of the best parts of my corporate career was having one to one conversations with members on my team and interviewing job candidates.  Why?  I loved to understand what made a person excited to get up in the morning and laser in with what they loved to do.

It saddened me when people were choosing to do something that was moving them away from their life purpose.  I understand that we need to earn a living but we don't have to leave the dream behind either.

We used an interview technique to determine whether there was a real match and commitment with potential candidates and the job they were applying for.  I'd ask questions to learn more about what their dream job would be.  So often it was not what they were applying for.  

So why do we move away from what we love?  Most often I'd hear, "I'd love to do that but the money isn't very good."  So there they were applying for a job that I knew would not fulfill them.  

I'm all about paying the bills but stop abandoning your dreams.  It's time to change this habit.  It's time to stop settling for less than what makes you joyful.

If you could be paid to do anything...I mean anything...what would that be?

My dream since I was a young girl was to have my own greeting card company.  That dream is taking birth right now!  There's a whole story about how I became reconnected back to that dream which I'll share with you when the website launches in the coming weeks. You’ll want to be sure to read it … it comes straight from my heart.

You have a dream and sometimes it sounds crazy to your responsible self.  But "what if" it was possible to do what you love and get paid for it?  What would your life look like?

Start by taking a moment to share your dream right here on this blog.  Your dream is safe here.  I invite you to connect and share. Just drop a note in the box below.

Peace and Joy ~