Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What's your dream?

Greetings to You ~

There is a huge awakening with more of us putting an emphasis on doing what we love.  We want to live our life on our own terms, schedules, foster our relationships, do what brings us joy and make a fabulous living.  Living life on purpose.

Are you saying that can't happen?  Does it sound like a pipe dream to you?

More and more people are looking to others who have already done this.  It's time.  People sharing their stories and how it all relates to your path in life.  Opening up and being available to others with your gifts.  

One of the best parts of my corporate career was having one to one conversations with members on my team and interviewing job candidates.  Why?  I loved to understand what made a person excited to get up in the morning and laser in with what they loved to do.

It saddened me when people were choosing to do something that was moving them away from their life purpose.  I understand that we need to earn a living but we don't have to leave the dream behind either.

We used an interview technique to determine whether there was a real match and commitment with potential candidates and the job they were applying for.  I'd ask questions to learn more about what their dream job would be.  So often it was not what they were applying for.  

So why do we move away from what we love?  Most often I'd hear, "I'd love to do that but the money isn't very good."  So there they were applying for a job that I knew would not fulfill them.  

I'm all about paying the bills but stop abandoning your dreams.  It's time to change this habit.  It's time to stop settling for less than what makes you joyful.

If you could be paid to do anything...I mean anything...what would that be?

My dream since I was a young girl was to have my own greeting card company.  That dream is taking birth right now!  There's a whole story about how I became reconnected back to that dream which I'll share with you when the website launches in the coming weeks. You’ll want to be sure to read it … it comes straight from my heart.

You have a dream and sometimes it sounds crazy to your responsible self.  But "what if" it was possible to do what you love and get paid for it?  What would your life look like?

Start by taking a moment to share your dream right here on this blog.  Your dream is safe here.  I invite you to connect and share. Just drop a note in the box below.

Peace and Joy ~

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