Friday, June 11, 2010

Breathe through your protective armor

Greetings to You ~

Have you started to step out of your comfort zone?  Are you feeling some resistance or fear as a result?

Be gentle with yourself as you go through the process of being a beginner at something.  Our protective armor can come in the form of defensiveness and wanting to be perfect at something right away.

What are you protecting yourself from?  What is your deep hurt, your deep secret that makes you feel this way?  Past judgment, criticism, failures, hurts...

Let your guard down for a moment and replace the defensiveness with love for yourself for being so courageous. 

When resistance and fear comes up it can trigger self-sabotaging habits to help soothe yourself (i.e. glass of wine, chocolate brownie, you know what yours is...).  Before you do that try to dissolve any resistance first with this breathing exercise.

Right now, breathe, and send yourself some love.  Close your eyes and breathe again.  Breathe in once more with the power of three breaths.

Imagine breathing in the pure beautiful white light of love.  Exhale and breathe out all of the fear.  Imagine breathing out the black or gray color of fear.  Deep breath in of pure white energy.  Long deep breath out until your lungs feel emptied.

Keep breathing in and out until you imagine your exhale turning to medium gray, light gray and eventually you're breathing in and out beautiful fresh, white energy.

Stand up and move around a bit, shake the old lower energy off of you.

Sending you a big hug and a high five for letting down your guard.  You are so courageous.

Peace and Joy ~

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