Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are you resisting being real?

Greetings to You ~

Have you had a good old fashioned resistance attack lately?  That's when you get angry or down about not being good enough, smart enough, lovable enough, not making enough money or working hard for nothing.

You know none of this is true right?

What would the world be like if we didn't believe the old stories that others may have told us or that we have told ourselves because of past hurts.

What if we didn't resist our brilliance?  What if we were brave enough to stand up and declare our heart's desire and be willing to be brave enough and authentic enough to go after our dreams.

What if we let go of the old ways of being that creep in and hold us back?  It matters that we be real and speak our truth.

Who wants to hear your message?  Who knows. One thing is for sure, if you haven't put it out there, nobody will hear it and you'll never find out.

Be gutsy and take a risk.  Follow what's in your heart and what feels right to you.  What feels right when you're gathered with your biggest supporters.

It's very beautiful when someone becomes vulnerable and you see the real them.  When they let down their guard.  Honour yourself and be open.

We all have insecurities so let's not pretend we don't.  But let's not let those insecurities hold us back.

Remember you are good enough, worthy enough and loving enough.  Send yourself some love today as well as love for others.

Whatever you do today make it real, heart-felt, genuine and authentic.  Love you lots.

Peace and Joy ~

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