Friday, October 23, 2009

Abundance Flowing - part 2

Greetings to You ~

Is it possible to do what you love and prosper financially? Determining our purpose, self-actualization and living our best life, requires that we take risks.

What IF you could do what you love AND make a fabulous living?  That would be living the dream.  Step one, the old beliefs need to shift.

Do you have an old money story that no longer serves you?  Mine is about having to “work hard” for money.  Paying off bills “wasn’t easy” so it created a feeling of holding on too tight, even when money flowed in.

The fear of losing what you have needs to shift.  It's not about how much money we have or don't have.  It's whether we have a limiting belief about our money.  There are those who think they don’t deserve to receive money. There are millionaires who are worried about losing what they have.

Once we have the physical and material necessities there’s a need for more meaning and purpose in our lives.  That’s the rub.  The old story doesn’t allow for investing in the dream.  The old story says it’s risky.  Why does it feel uncomfortable to invest in the dream?

I’m ready to shift these limiting beliefs.

·       People need to work hard to earn money.
·       I need to be careful with my money.
·       There's not enough to go around.

Show me the proof my ego mind says.  I began to list examples of regular women who started unconventional businesses.  So there’s evidence that it’s possible to do what you love and make a fabulous living.

What if it feels risky?  Fear of taking a risk is based on not knowing the outcome. We do have inner guidance and logical reasoning to help reduce the risk of making a wrong choice.

I love the five questions Ali Brown uses when making a decision:

  1. Is this something I want with my heart?  Does this feel good to me?  Intuition.
  2. Is this something I want with my head?  Does this logically make sense to me?
  3. Does this align with my long-term goals and short-term goals?  Does this align with my path?
  4. Does this excite me even it it's a little scary?  You want more "Woohoo!" than "Oh God."
  5. Am I making this decision from faith and not fear?  From inspiration or desperation?

It has to be all yes for Ali to move ahead.

How’s this for synchronicity?  I just went to her web site and found the article, “Imagine Having the Choice…to be, do, or have anything you want.”  Read her story for more evidence that this can be done.

On a scale of 1 to 10 my own limiting beliefs have shifted in the right direction by one point.  As my EnergyRICH™ coach Heather says, “A shift is a shift, no matter how big.”

Peace and Joy ~

1 comment:

  1. One of my limiting money beliefs that I've shifted is that I have to be stressed out all the time, unhealthy, and have no time left over to do fun things in order to earn a six figure salary.

    Took me a long time to shift that one but now I believe that 2010 is the year I replace my former law firm salary with money made through my business.

    Great blog Sheila! I'm putting you in my reader.
