Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healing Emotions

Greetings to You ~

Last week the topic of entrepreneurial fear was covered in the coaching program I’m following.  Not something that’s talked about much in other business courses and one of the reasons I was so attracted to the EnergyRICH program.

This topic seemed to serve as an invitation for my gremlins of fear and doubt to show up.  Perfect timing as we learned tools to manage our energy and shift the old beliefs that no longer serve us.

It’s common to experience resistance when we’re making huge changes. The conflicting energy is to show us something and often occurs just before a break through.

My physical body was sharing wisdom that I had a fear of losing something.  One of my yoga teachers said it’s common for women to hold on to a lot of emotion in our second chakra.  I could even feel my creativity blocked last week.

We did a lot of yoga postures to stretch the hips and help loosen up the toxins being held.  Walking out of the class there was the most gorgeous sunset with the sky lit up with brilliant orange, the colour of the second chakra.  Something must have shifted because I experienced a huge emotional release after that class.

Meanwhile a coach’s request was to have me use the belief transformation tool every day for 30 days.  It sounded like a lot of work and then Heather said, “You’re going to spend time and energy dealing with your lower energies anyway, you might as well use the time and energy to shift them.”  Good point.

Pretending everything is fine on the outside doesn’t work.  As the coaches at EnergyRICH™say, "You can’t fool energy."

We need to undo the old patterns that prevent us from moving forward.

A process to gain greater clarity and prepare us for quantum shifts.  Meanwhile you don’t need to make BIG shifts, just small ones.

I'd encourage anyone who's looking for a process that works with the inner and outer needs of building a business to learn more at

Triggers from the past kept showing up to test my commitment to the whole process. Honestly it felt like a messy, emotional time but in hindsight it was necessary to break up the limiting beliefs that I still carried.

I think about hearing comedian Jim Carrey say, “You need to feel it to heal it.”

As with any difficult time in our life “this too shall pass.“  And it did.  Last night realizing that I truly need to be independent of the good opinion of others.

It’s so important not to beat up on ourselves when fear and doubt show up.  Even when we’re not where we want to be, “love and accept yourself anyway.”

Bringing those emotional gremlins into the light helps to loosen their grip on us.  Until they eventually let go.

Peace and Joy ~

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