Thursday, October 22, 2009

Abundance Flowing - part 1

Greetings to You ~

A group coaching call this week had us do a money exercise to bring awareness to how we’ve been treating money and our relationship with it.

I visualized standing on the shore of the ocean of abundance with a metal cash box and realized the lid was closed.  How do I put more in this container if it’s not open to receive?

Growing up my young parents didn’t have a lot of money but they taught us very early on to respect it.  Having a savings account at age six and taught to place bills in our wallet with the right side up, heads facing the same way.  It was organized and respectful.

Have you ever squirreled away money?  I used to hide some of my money as a kid and often forget where I put it.  I remember feeling delighted when it showed up later like surprise money.

Have you worked hard for your money?  I developed a strong desire to work and earn money early on.  Starting with blueberry picking, babysitting, retails jobs and eventually worked my way up earning a good wage at my corporate job.

The common denominator was that I never really enjoyed what I was doing for work.  The experience with having money was that it felt like “hard” work or having to work “a lot” to have enough.

Do you respect your money?  I didn’t always.

Around age eight, I spent some cherished centennial coins on candy at the corner store.  I remember feeling bad after the candy was eaten and the money was gone. 

As an adult I accumulated credit card debt as I accumulated things.  It was not a financial situation that I felt proud of. 

Around the year 2000 I came across a PBS television special talking about money and being in a place of power.  I had never heard of Suze Orman before then but became a big fan of her guiding principles, “People first, then Money, then Things.” 

From that day forward we tracked everything we spent in a little pocket calendar which kept us honest and on track.  It wasn’t easy but we paid off all of our debts and started receiving more abundance with unexpected increases and bonuses.  We came to develop a habit of mindful spending by listing our wants and needs and avoided impulsive purchases.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to choose to live from a mindful, abundant mindset?  You are.

Years ago I came across the work of Lori Bamber, a financial coach who shares a lot of wisdom about money.

I love Lori’s calm energy in this interview clip.  I feel more relaxed just listening to her.

Anxiety warns us not to move, not to grow, not to reach toward our potential.

  • Money does not cure anxiety
  •  Our money must serve our dreams
Is it possible that the ocean of abundance really is unlimited?  When we honour our life energy doing what we love and mindfully consider how we spend our life energy, will it continue to flow? 

The ego mind says show me.  My higher self says have faith.  Are we making decisions based on faith or fear?  Lori says, “Any decision made from a place of anxiety (a place of fear) is likely to be a bad decision.”

Do you have an old money story that you want to shift?  I'm going to explore mine in the next couple of days.  Please join me to see if I can change it.

Peace and Joy ~

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