Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Art of Expression

Greetings to You ~

Beauty is all around us.  I'm in awe seeing the creative work of others who are masters of capturing the essence and feeling of beauty in physical form.

There's a painting in our home by Danny McBride called "Sunflowers."  It's a woman wearing a big red hat standing in a field of sunflowers.  There's something about this painting that I connect with at a level that's difficult to put into words.

It sounds strange but when I look at her, there's a feeling like I've connected to my higher Self.  Wise and non-judmental, patient with a calm energy.  She's beautiful in her own unique and non-traditional way.

Laura Hollick's website has a quiz to understand what kind of a creative spirit you are.  She has her own very authentic approach to creative interpretation.

One of my favourite visual artists, Laura Harris, gives an inspiring description of her creative process in a short documentary video.  I can feel her amazing energy when I look at one of her original paintings.

On the video she speaks about walking out to the point on the beach with her dog in the morning and describes it as “an overwhelming sense of connection that I haven’t felt before and it’s actually moved me to tears some mornings.  I'm walking and crying in a really happy, happy way.”  Then she goes straight out to her studio and starts painting.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

The graphic designer working on the Whisper Greetings branding asked me to brainstorm some ideas about explaining Whisper Greetings to someone in one sentence.  He's going to interpret feelings as well as practical values and the purpose of my business to form an identify, symbol or icon.

It sounded so easy.  A statement to describe your business to someone.

Recently in our coaching group, one of the members made a Freudian slip and referred to an elevator speech as an "elevation" speech.  I just love the thought of having an elevation statement.

So back to feeling frustrated with coming up with a single sentence to describe Whisper Greetings.  It's easy to be verbose and an art to succinctly express what you mean.

Heather, my coach, said we often move into our head with practical tasks like this.  She suggested to go to the heart and describe how Whisper Greetings began.

I told her the story and became overwhelmed with emotion.  A sign that it's coming from Truth and not my head.

What flowed from that was, "Whisper Greetings are genuine, digital, poetic expressions of connection, healing and hope."  That feels so right.  So real.

Funny thing is I had a half dozen different sentences and couldn't remember any of them.  This one is etched beautifully in my mind.

How will the visual branding capture the essence of Whisper Greetings?  Can't wait to see how it unfolds.

How do you express your creativity?  Through words, pictures, music, dancing, singing?

Creativity is food for the soul.

Peace and Joy ~

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