Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nurture Your Overwhelm

Greetings to You ~

Have you ever wished that you could press the pause button on the outside world?  There's so much to do and you're feeling behind and overwhelmed?

Trying to work harder and faster seems to speed up the downward spiral and increase your stress.  We truly need inner peace for our outer actions to be effective.

Thankfully wisdom came through a couple of different people to validate my own inner guidance today.

Breathe.  Stop yourself from taking any action until you're feeling more calm and relaxed.  Press your virtual pause button on the outer world and focus on creating inner peace for yourself.

A short time-out for self-care and nurturing is essential if you feel like you're drowning.  Meditate for a few minutes.  Journal and release any frustration and lower level energies that are inside you onto the page.

What can you look at, listen to or visualize to bring you to a better feeling place right now?  Breathe.

Have you ever had anxiety increase when you looked at your do list?  The reminder of what didn't get done yesterday, last week, last month feels SO overwhelming.  Set it all aside for a moment.

Today an email came in from Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach, with the subject line "do you always feel just one step behind?"  YES.

She says it's not about finding more time but rather it's about our relationship with time.  Not to simply get more done in less time but to focus on getting the right things done first and faster.

What are your three most important and dire needs for the day?  Choose to focus only on those individual tasks...for now.  You want to flow into the feeling of "this is doable."  It may not take as long as you thought and then you can add the next most important task.

Build in enough breaks for yourself.  This is not a time to push.  You're bringing yourself back into balance while still moving forward.  Think of a child on a bicycle.  You wouldn't want them to ride too fast, too soon.

You may not see today's challenges as your opportunity for inner growth.  But they may be.

While nurturing yourself you can build inner strength and create harmony with your outer world.

There's no need to hurry to grow.

Peace and Joy ~

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