Monday, November 16, 2009

Purposeful Shift of Energy

Greetings to You ~

It's a blustery Monday afternoon in November on the Pacific "wet" coast.  A day when the rain comes down sideways and your umbrella has a tendency to blow inside out.

Uncommon ideas have been percolating for the past few days and flowing forth.  Being in the flow and not aware of time as much as wanting to keep working.

Then there's a time when creativity just needs some space.  Time to sit and marinade.

An interesting feeling when you know it's time to purposely distract yourself.  There's simply no value or enjoyment with continuing to work, even if it's the middle of the day.

It's not avoidance or procrastination but an intentional choice to shift your energy and do something completely different.

It feels like a day to do an activity that brings back happy memories from childhood.  A day to bake cookies.  Cozy and comforting.

In the book, The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron suggests a task for week six to bake something.  "Creativity does not have to always involve capital-A art."  Permission granted to take a break.

Activities like gardening, mending, cleaning or anything that keeps your body moving and your mind at bay are restorative.  Easy, repetitive tasks that allow the brain to take a break.

It's a great perk to work from home and do things in your own cycle.  Whether it's morning, afternoon or evening you can work with your own energy and creative cycles.

No commuting in the rain.  Choosing to wear fleece and slippers on a cold day.  Baking cookies in the afternoon.

What would you do to give your mind a break and allow yourself a moment of comfort?

The wind is howling, the rain is beating down.  The cookies are out of the oven.

Time out to relax.

Peace and Joy ~

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