Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You on the Verge of a Breakdown or a Breakthrough?

Greetings to You ~

You want the life of your dreams right?  You want to be shown the way, take inspired action and have doors open easily for you.  You hear about this happening for other people and wish you had the same experience but the complete opposite happens.  Ugh.

You’ve gone through the steps of planning, creating and taking the action that you know in your heart of hearts is moving you toward your goal and life purpose.  Then all of a sudden chaos ensues and roadblocks appear that seem to indicate you’re not on the right path.

You ask yourself, “Why is this happening?”  Is this a sign you should be doing something else?

It feels SO frustrating when this happens and you start second guessing whether this really is your next best step.  “Is my dream really worth all of this angst and trouble?”

Chaos often ensues just before the really BIG breakthrough.  You may be challenged with technology glitches or resistance from people you care about suggesting you shouldn’t move forward.

If the action you are about to take is in line with your dreams and your vision, it’s just a test to see how committed you really are. The chaos is there simply to try to make you stay right where you are.  Staying uncomfortable with your personal status quo.  The ego mind does not want to change, even when your Spirit wants so much for you to continue. 

A great quote was shared recently from John Assaraf.  “If you’re interested, you’ll do what’s convenient; if you’re committed, you’ll do what it takes.”

When you think you’re ready for a big breakthrough embrace the chaos and know you're getting ready to go to the next level.  If you’re committed to the life of your dreams you’ll do whatever it takes.

Ask for guidance and listen to your higher Self, Spirit, Source, your intuition, whatever you refer to as your greater power before you give up.  

Wishing you open doors and breakthroughs.

Peace and Joy ~

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