Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time to Surrender

Greetings to You ~

I had a moment of complete surrender and letting go recently.  Sort of like a down on my knees moment, but I was sitting down journaling.

I want so much to build the Whisper Greetings business and offer beautiful images and words to people so that they can connect with others and share love, hope and inspiration.

I can’t do this work and remain scattered and unfocussed.  I know intellectually of ways to help me tap into my inner strength but my mental and emotional strength needs to be increased. 

I’ve been aware of scheduling and organizing my time with the intention to keep on track and focused.  I find myself focused at the start of the day and by the time the afternoon comes I get off track or tired and I start to procrastinate with tasks.

I’d recognize when my lower energies were surfacing and switch my focus to inner work rather than outer practical work.  I’d let actions slip from one day into the next.  I’m allowing my lower energies to distract me from taking tangible actions.

Another sabotaging action was simply to move tasks from one day to the next day.  I figured it’s a matter of trying to do too much in one day but it became a habit of letting things slide.

Why is it that I start to focus and become motivated to do something at the end of the day?  Notice the reference to motivation rather than inspiration.  Old work patterns resurfacing.

I started to think that setting more specific goals for the following week would help me focus and be more productive.  But I could feel my inner task master trying to force things, putting pressure on myself.  “You haven’t set urgent enough goals for yourself.” 

My intention last week was to be clear, orderly and on purpose with my actions.  What I learned this week.  I’m getting organized but still not productive.  I felt the pressure of time.  Rather than activating the taskmaster in myself, it’s my internal manager that needs to be activated in a loving way.

I asked for divine wisdom and guidance and inner strength to help me remain emotionally neutral and become focused.  Please show me in an obvious way.

The following response came forth almost immediately:
  • Let go of trying to please others, just have a good intention
  • Become fully present with everything you do.
  • Be fully present with one task at a time
Whatever time that you put aside for a task just start it.  Don’t worry about getting it finished.  Be fully present with that task.  Nothing else. 

It’s not about time as much as it’s about being fully present with whatever you do.

I started to write and the sunshine began to brightly fill my study.  When my writing turned toward lower energy a cloud blocked the sunshine coming in.  When I deleted a sentence and came from a heart-centred place the sunshine poured in again.  It was like I could feel the rhythm of the Universe.  It felt like miraculous.

I looked up at my desk clock and it felt as if time had stood still.  I was in the flow and able to relax knowing I had plenty of time to keep writing.  When I felt complete I looked up and noticed that the time on my computer clock and desk clock were different.  My desk clock had actually stopped at the exact time I had started to write.  It was a miracle!

Thank you for the wisdom, guidance and divine intervention to have direct experience with how much can be achieved when you become totally present.

Peace ~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gracious Strength

Greetings to You ~

I received some great advice a few years ago.  In any area of your life that you’re not empowered there will be people who show up to overpower you.

I recently experienced just that, overpowered by others with a strong energy and confidence.  It made me wonder what I was putting out in the world because of what I was encountering.

Subtle awareness that could have easily gone unnoticed.  A situation where I wasn’t being heard and others were speaking over me.  A different situation when I was on a call, my husband picked up the phone and started dialing over the line I was using.  Hmm...a theme had developed for me to take notice.

The right affirmations came to me this week.
 “I now take charge of my mind and my life.”
“I have the right to be here.”
My coaching call this week was focused on my inner energy.  When I feel at my best it doesn’t feel like power as much as it feels like inner strength.  Relaxed, calm, loving, inspired, a feeling of joy.  Consciously tapping into this feeling before I do any task or interact with someone will help carry that inner energy with outward actions and results.

The next day, a friend shared this poem with me.  I’m not sure who wrote this but it has the complete essence of what gracious strength is for me.

Women of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape…

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life’s mistakes can also be God’s blessings and capitalizes on them…

A strong woman walks sure footedly…
But a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls…

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace…

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong…


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Body Wisdom

Greetings to You ~

There are more and more healers who have interesting, holistic ways to offer awareness and healing.

Louise Hay is a pioneer on the topic of linking mental causes with physical disease and illness.  Her little book Heal Your Body has been a great guide to bring my own awareness to physical discomfort I’ve experienced.

A friend introduced me to this concept years ago I was complaining about my sore shoulder.  She looked it up in the book and shared that the emotional cause was that I was making life a burden by my attitude.  Ouch!  That was not at all flattering but it felt truthful.  The affirmation to counteract that was “I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.”  That feels better.

It started to make me aware of when the pain in my shoulder occurred. Why would it happen when family was over for dinner?  Hmmm…perhaps I need to uplift my perspective and enjoy the company of those I love rather than worry about the meal. 

Over time, I began to see physical discomfort as a form of inner guidance.  Letting me know there are emotions and reactions that don't serve me, taking me off course.

I used to get severe migraines at work, a physical symptom related to my dislike of being driven.  It was a real eye opener when the migraines happened after I left my job and there were no people or circumstances putting pressure on me.  I finally recognized that it happened when I pushed myself too hard.  Relax.  Let go.  Allow life to unfold.

It's fascinating to hear how imbalances from your past can affect you later when you're not even aware.  For example, being dismissed or shut down in the past can lead to not trusting yourself in the present.

Krista Hearty, the founder of Yoga4Entrepreneurs has a body wisdom process and recently offered me a consultation.  What came up was related to the 3rd chakra, my personal power centre and also my 1st chakra with security issues.  Not surprising as I set out on the path of creating a business.

Dr. Kirk Prine and Donny Lobree, founders of The Missing Thread, are gifted healers who have a body wisdom process to release what they refer to as "old body stories." Bringing attention with intention, you're aware of where the physical discomfort is and they help you release the emotion that keeps you stuck.

Healing from the inside out.  Bringing us back to wholeness.

Peace ~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Coming into Balance

Greetings to You ~

I had a great deal of internal angst last week.  It even showed up with physical signals my body was giving me.  I felt scattered and out of balance.

I was aware of what wasn’t serving me and what was in my highest good.

  • Self-criticism
  • Allowing confusion to reign
  • Giving power to outside influences
  • A gentle nudge to create more
Guilt and self-judgment won’t change anything that happened or didn’t happen.  It’s the past.  You can let it go.

A blessing occurred to help bring me back into balance.

Master Dan Nou recently opened a beautiful space called The Rec Room Yoga Studio.  His philosophy and practice is dedicated to teaching students to create wholeness with the four pillars of our being:  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

At the studio’s grand opening Master Dan asked everyone, “Which of those four areas are you strong?” 

I feel strongest physically and spiritually.  It’s the mental and emotional strength that feels out of balance right now.

Breathe.  Relax.  It is not something you do and check off your list.  It’s a process.

After sitting too long or when my mind feels blocked, it feels good to move.  If I’m feeling emotions that do not serve me it helps to be still and shift back into balance.

The yoga studio feels like a sacred space and it’s a wonderful way to balance myself at the end of the day. 

I am so grateful for the circumstances and synchronicities that led me to this place without seeking it out.  It’s true what they say, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Creating Order


I learned some things from observing spiders recently.

The spider doesn't create a tangled web for itself but builds a framework in perfect order.

The spider I saw building its web was completely on purpose.  It was working with such precision and order.  Starting on the outside and continued to work it's way around toward the centre.

When I looked around and saw the spiders who had finished building their webs, they stayed in the centre, remaining still.

If their web became damaged or destroyed they went back to work with creating a new web.  They didn’t take over another spider’s web.  They didn’t compete for space.  They found their own niche and set out to work.

Another thing I learned from the spiders was how focused they were to complete their task.  They don’t create several webs at once or spend time to see what other spiders are doing.  

They work in an orderly manner. 

I now realize the value of taking time to create order for myself early on with my business.   I need clarity to remain focused and complete tasks and projects.

I was taking more actions this week and then realized I didn’t have systems and a structure in place to keep myself organized. I felt trapped and paralyzed, like being caught in a web.  Overwhelmed.

Be still.  Take the time to re-focus before you keep "doing." 

The spiders seemed to have a system.  Building its framework first, starting on the outside and working its way into the middle.  They even appeared to stop to rest during the process. 

So I built my own web.  A multi-page spreadsheet to capture my goals, ideas, actions, follow-up and status on business tasks and projects.  I feel so much better and use it to plan my week and my day.

Keep the momentum you started.  Be clear on what to do next.  Rest when needed but see each task through to completion. 

There will be time later to be still.  For now you’re building.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Unattached to the Outcome

Greetings to You ~

I have a collection of greeting cards.  They came through me and are in my care.

They need to be shared.  For whatever reason up until recently I've been reluctant to do that.   I've shared a few select cards with a few select people.

A part of me questions, "Who would want them?  Are they even good enough?"

My higher Self would gently suggest, "Share them and find out."

When I attended Baeth Davis' Life Purpose Spiritual Summit she asked the audience.  "Who are you to hold back your gifts and share them with the world?"  Hmm, I hadn't thought of it that way before.

I listened to a call with Baeth recently where she was offering callers on the spot coaching.  Being in the "hot seat" as she calls it.  Every question during that hour and much of the advice she gave, felt like it was intended for me.

A lot of what she said hit me right between the eyes:
  • A reluctance to self promote and toot your own horn.
  • Needing to be liked and not rock the boat.
  • Overly concerned about how people perceive you.
  • Hiding out when there's no financial urgency.
  • You need to want it bad enough and deal with your fears.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and confused - needing to focus.
  • It's going to take the time it's going to take.
  • Get clear on what you're willing to lose to be successful.
  • Trusting in yourself and the Universe to support you.
An inner shift happened.  I became detached to the outcome.

I felt willing to share more cards with more people with the openness to receive any feedback or intuition that surfaced.

My intention was to send the request with an open heart and remain unattached emotionally.  Just receive the feedback.

It's information.  It will lead you to your next step.

And it has.  I'm so deeply grateful for the time and energy people took to respond.  It was a gift.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Movement with First Steps


After an initial planning session with my business mentor there were action steps to take.  Nothing seemed all that difficult when we came up with the list.

First step.  I want to believe that my ability to express with poetry and writing and the energy I feel and connections with heart-centred individuals can provide an opportunity to share what I’ve already produced.

Drafting an email and choosing three cards was done quickly and easily. 

My progress slowed down when I thought about who I would reach out to. There were many people I’ve met over the past few months who I value but I started to over think everything and everybody.

How would they respond?   Do they have time?  I feel like I’m being a bother.  I felt uncomfortable asking for help is what it comes down to.

I felt physical discomfort with moving forward.  This shouldn’t be such a big deal.  Why the anxiety?  Breathe.  This is new.  You’re stepping out of your comfort zone.

The first email I sent was to my coach.  It was like a baby’s first step with someone holding my hand.  Doesn’t sound like the confident person I want to be but in reality that’s where I stood. 

I became keenly aware at this moment that the work of developing a business is just as much about developing my inner confidence.  I had heard Ali Brown, say something like “If you want to fast track your personal growth and development, start your own business.”

All of my fears and doubts were quickly surfacing themselves.  Encouraging me to stay right where I was.  But you can’t do the same thing and expect different results.  Do you really want this?  Yes!

I received a prompt response back from my coach and I wasn’t so much surprised by the encouraging feedback but rather with my own reaction to reading it.  It was as a huge A-HA moment that not only surprised me but profoundly changed my way of thinking.

I need my physical self to be willing to take action and go outside of my comfort zone in order to allow my Spirit Self to be able to express itself and share with the world.

There is an inner shift – a willingness to reach out and keep moving.  As the old saying goes, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Feeling uncertain, off balance and a bit clumsy I kept taking action.  Movement.  One little step at a time will build confidence and momentum.

My commitment is stronger.  I’m no longer hiding out.

I know this is my heart’s desire and I want it strongly enough that I’m willing to deal with my fears.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Adapting to Change

Greetings to You ~

So if awareness of my energy and behaviours are a first step.  How do I change the behaviours that no longer serve me?

I just realized that was my ego mind asking the question.  Yes, but be gentle with yourself.  It's natural for the ego mind to want to know why and how.

I received information last week about that type of question at the EnergyRICH Marketing Mastery Q&A call with Heather Dominick.

Last week I recognized that the decision to move what I do from a hobby to a business triggered something in me.  It shifted my energy from an easy, inspired energy to an old belief or an old story I had about “work.”

When I worked for a large organization there was an emphasis on productivity and deadlines. When I associated my creative work as a business I noticed an urgency to get things done which was forcing action rather than allowing my energy to flow.  I could actually feel tension and stress start to arise.

I also remember how I’d work on less important tasks rather than getting done what I really needed to. It’s like I needed the panic of a deadline to get focused.

Heather suggested that I allow myself to know, "This is different." Affirm that you don't have to do it the old way. The mind says "how" but I don't know how because I haven't had direct experience yet.

Breathe. You don't know how it feels yet, but you can imagine how you’d like to feel. I would feel relaxed and in the flow.

"I don't have to do work the old way. I'm open to the new way."

I am ready.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009



I've been thinking today about inspiration vs. motivation. I looked up the definitions in the Oxford Dictionary.

Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something esp. to do something creative.

Motivation is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

The difference to me is that inspiration emphasizes "being" and "feeling" where motivation is "acting" and "doing."

Today I felt like my inspiration has dried up. Inspiration will never dry up, it's just flowing around you.

Why is that? Inspiration can't be forced.

This week felt a bit like when I worked for a corporation. Working longer or harder because of an external factor like a deadline or a meeting. You were motivated not inspired.

Motivation feels hard and inspiration feels effortless. That is true.

The feeling of inspired action is really being in the flow. It takes less time and effort for the same results as when you're motivated. That is true also.

What you're feeling is fear. Fear that you won't continue to be creative.

You have felt inspired before and you will feel inspired again.

You're feeling the same pressure you used to feel about business. It's an old story.

You feel inspired when you have the time and freedom to have a hobby. The resistance is the pressure you put yourself under based on fear. Fear of not doing it right or fast enough.

What if you learned how to work the same way that you play? I'd be in the flow all of the time.

You have to let go of the pressure of time.

Breathe. Relax.
