Greetings to You ~
I had a moment of complete surrender and letting go recently. Sort of like a down on my knees moment, but I was sitting down journaling.
I want so much to build the Whisper Greetings business and offer beautiful images and words to people so that they can connect with others and share love, hope and inspiration.
I can’t do this work and remain scattered and unfocussed. I know intellectually of ways to help me tap into my inner strength but my mental and emotional strength needs to be increased.
I’ve been aware of scheduling and organizing my time with the intention to keep on track and focused. I find myself focused at the start of the day and by the time the afternoon comes I get off track or tired and I start to procrastinate with tasks.
I’d recognize when my lower energies were surfacing and switch my focus to inner work rather than outer practical work. I’d let actions slip from one day into the next. I’m allowing my lower energies to distract me from taking tangible actions.
Another sabotaging action was simply to move tasks from one day to the next day. I figured it’s a matter of trying to do too much in one day but it became a habit of letting things slide.
Why is it that I start to focus and become motivated to do something at the end of the day? Notice the reference to motivation rather than inspiration. Old work patterns resurfacing.
I started to think that setting more specific goals for the following week would help me focus and be more productive. But I could feel my inner task master trying to force things, putting pressure on myself. “You haven’t set urgent enough goals for yourself.”
My intention last week was to be clear, orderly and on purpose with my actions. What I learned this week. I’m getting organized but still not productive. I felt the pressure of time. Rather than activating the taskmaster in myself, it’s my internal manager that needs to be activated in a loving way.
I asked for divine wisdom and guidance and inner strength to help me remain emotionally neutral and become focused. Please show me in an obvious way.
The following response came forth almost immediately:
- Let go of trying to please others, just have a good intention
- Become fully present with everything you do.
- Be fully present with one task at a time
Whatever time that you put aside for a task just start it. Don’t worry about getting it finished. Be fully present with that task. Nothing else.
It’s not about time as much as it’s about being fully present with whatever you do.
I started to write and the sunshine began to brightly fill my study. When my writing turned toward lower energy a cloud blocked the sunshine coming in. When I deleted a sentence and came from a heart-centred place the sunshine poured in again. It was like I could feel the rhythm of the Universe. It felt like miraculous.
I looked up at my desk clock and it felt as if time had stood still. I was in the flow and able to relax knowing I had plenty of time to keep writing. When I felt complete I looked up and noticed that the time on my computer clock and desk clock were different. My desk clock had actually stopped at the exact time I had started to write. It was a miracle!
Thank you for the wisdom, guidance and divine intervention to have direct experience with how much can be achieved when you become totally present.
Peace ~