Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Body Wisdom

Greetings to You ~

There are more and more healers who have interesting, holistic ways to offer awareness and healing.

Louise Hay is a pioneer on the topic of linking mental causes with physical disease and illness.  Her little book Heal Your Body has been a great guide to bring my own awareness to physical discomfort I’ve experienced.

A friend introduced me to this concept years ago I was complaining about my sore shoulder.  She looked it up in the book and shared that the emotional cause was that I was making life a burden by my attitude.  Ouch!  That was not at all flattering but it felt truthful.  The affirmation to counteract that was “I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.”  That feels better.

It started to make me aware of when the pain in my shoulder occurred. Why would it happen when family was over for dinner?  Hmmm…perhaps I need to uplift my perspective and enjoy the company of those I love rather than worry about the meal. 

Over time, I began to see physical discomfort as a form of inner guidance.  Letting me know there are emotions and reactions that don't serve me, taking me off course.

I used to get severe migraines at work, a physical symptom related to my dislike of being driven.  It was a real eye opener when the migraines happened after I left my job and there were no people or circumstances putting pressure on me.  I finally recognized that it happened when I pushed myself too hard.  Relax.  Let go.  Allow life to unfold.

It's fascinating to hear how imbalances from your past can affect you later when you're not even aware.  For example, being dismissed or shut down in the past can lead to not trusting yourself in the present.

Krista Hearty, the founder of Yoga4Entrepreneurs has a body wisdom process and recently offered me a consultation.  What came up was related to the 3rd chakra, my personal power centre and also my 1st chakra with security issues.  Not surprising as I set out on the path of creating a business.

Dr. Kirk Prine and Donny Lobree, founders of The Missing Thread, are gifted healers who have a body wisdom process to release what they refer to as "old body stories." Bringing attention with intention, you're aware of where the physical discomfort is and they help you release the emotion that keeps you stuck.

Healing from the inside out.  Bringing us back to wholeness.

Peace ~

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