Tuesday, September 1, 2009



I've been thinking today about inspiration vs. motivation. I looked up the definitions in the Oxford Dictionary.

Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something esp. to do something creative.

Motivation is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

The difference to me is that inspiration emphasizes "being" and "feeling" where motivation is "acting" and "doing."

Today I felt like my inspiration has dried up. Inspiration will never dry up, it's just flowing around you.

Why is that? Inspiration can't be forced.

This week felt a bit like when I worked for a corporation. Working longer or harder because of an external factor like a deadline or a meeting. You were motivated not inspired.

Motivation feels hard and inspiration feels effortless. That is true.

The feeling of inspired action is really being in the flow. It takes less time and effort for the same results as when you're motivated. That is true also.

What you're feeling is fear. Fear that you won't continue to be creative.

You have felt inspired before and you will feel inspired again.

You're feeling the same pressure you used to feel about business. It's an old story.

You feel inspired when you have the time and freedom to have a hobby. The resistance is the pressure you put yourself under based on fear. Fear of not doing it right or fast enough.

What if you learned how to work the same way that you play? I'd be in the flow all of the time.

You have to let go of the pressure of time.

Breathe. Relax.


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