I had a great deal of internal angst last week. It even showed up with physical signals my body was giving me. I felt scattered and out of balance.
I was aware of what wasn’t serving me and what was in my highest good.
- Self-criticism
- Allowing confusion to reign
- Giving power to outside influences
- A gentle nudge to create more
Guilt and self-judgment won’t change anything that happened or didn’t happen. It’s the past. You can let it go.
A blessing occurred to help bring me back into balance.
Master Dan Nou recently opened a beautiful space called The Rec Room Yoga Studio. His philosophy and practice is dedicated to teaching students to create wholeness with the four pillars of our being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
At the studio’s grand opening Master Dan asked everyone, “Which of those four areas are you strong?”
I feel strongest physically and spiritually. It’s the mental and emotional strength that feels out of balance right now.
Breathe. Relax. It is not something you do and check off your list. It’s a process.
After sitting too long or when my mind feels blocked, it feels good to move. If I’m feeling emotions that do not serve me it helps to be still and shift back into balance.
The yoga studio feels like a sacred space and it’s a wonderful way to balance myself at the end of the day.
I am so grateful for the circumstances and synchronicities that led me to this place without seeking it out. It’s true what they say, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
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