Sunday, November 7, 2010

I've moved to

Greetings to You ~

It has been a joy blogging at this site for the past year.  I appreciate you reading my posts and allowing me to share thoughts that are near and dear to my heart.

I appreciate you and hope you will visit my new website at where I continue sharing inspiration about life purpose and personal transformation.

I wish you a life that feels authentic, meaningful and on purpose!

Peace and Joy ~

Friday, July 9, 2010

What a Little Bird Tought Us About Being Present

Greetings to You ~

The phrase "a little bird told me" became quite literal a few days ago.

Walking in a park with a friend, it seemed important to share some challenges we had been experiencing and how we could supporting each other with ways to overcome them.

We sat down on a bench and this not so little, not so big, stellar jay flew down to join us.  It was still young by the evidence of its baby fuzz.

The bird jumped on my friend's foot and started pecking at her shoe.  He flew away when people were walking by but he always returned. 

The beautiful blue stellar jay hopped on the back of the bench I was sitting at and inched closer finally coming to rest on top of my shoulder. 

The visit with our feathered friend lasted over ten minutes and during that time my other friend and I both became very still.  It was peaceful, we didn't want to startle the little bird.  We spoke gently.

We were in a state of alert awareness, being fully present and filled with peace and joy.  It felt so much better than reliving the problems of yesterday or being concerned with what might happen tomorrow.

In that moment we felt wonderful and it gave us both perspective of what we choose to focus our attention on.

Wishing you time to be fully present, with alert awareness, being gentle, filled with peace and joy.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Staying in Process with Your Transformation

Greetings to You ~

Have you had days when you see wonderful possibilities?  Your confidence is high and you take a bold step?

How about the next day when you're not feeling as wonderful?  Old feelings of doubt surface and you're not sure about moving forward?  You feel a bit anxious and start to worry about things not working out the way you wanted them to.

This can stop you in your tracks.  Whether it's taking more action or releasing the need to be overworked and busy.  These are just old habits.

Acknowledge feeling vulnerable.  Acknowledge the feeling of being anxious.  Acknowledge the worry of what may happen or not happen if you make a change.

Allow your feelings to surface without judgment.  These feelings often come up after you're aware that you want to make a change.

Become unattached to the outcome.  We often judge a result as good or bad.  You don't want the "bad" result so you question whether or not it's a good idea to proceed.

Think of your habits as a cocoon.  There is some form of safety in those habits that we protect ourselves with.  A butterfly needs to come out of the cocoon on it's own.  Transformation is a process.

Don't hurry your own process of changing your habits.  The fact that you're aware that something needs to change is something to celebrate in itself.   

If you need to stay where you are for now, doing things the way you've always done them, reacting the way you always have, simply acknowledge and observe that.  Don't judge yourself.

There is no time frame in which you need to change.  Be gentle with yourself and know that you are transforming simply by being aware and noticing old habits.

Stay with the process.  When you're ready to change the habit, hold the intention of observing the result and your emotions with non-attachment. 

Be gentle.  Nurture yourself with some self-care.

You are incredibly valuable no matter what.

Peace and Joy ~

Friday, June 11, 2010

Breathe through your protective armor

Greetings to You ~

Have you started to step out of your comfort zone?  Are you feeling some resistance or fear as a result?

Be gentle with yourself as you go through the process of being a beginner at something.  Our protective armor can come in the form of defensiveness and wanting to be perfect at something right away.

What are you protecting yourself from?  What is your deep hurt, your deep secret that makes you feel this way?  Past judgment, criticism, failures, hurts...

Let your guard down for a moment and replace the defensiveness with love for yourself for being so courageous. 

When resistance and fear comes up it can trigger self-sabotaging habits to help soothe yourself (i.e. glass of wine, chocolate brownie, you know what yours is...).  Before you do that try to dissolve any resistance first with this breathing exercise.

Right now, breathe, and send yourself some love.  Close your eyes and breathe again.  Breathe in once more with the power of three breaths.

Imagine breathing in the pure beautiful white light of love.  Exhale and breathe out all of the fear.  Imagine breathing out the black or gray color of fear.  Deep breath in of pure white energy.  Long deep breath out until your lungs feel emptied.

Keep breathing in and out until you imagine your exhale turning to medium gray, light gray and eventually you're breathing in and out beautiful fresh, white energy.

Stand up and move around a bit, shake the old lower energy off of you.

Sending you a big hug and a high five for letting down your guard.  You are so courageous.

Peace and Joy ~

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Looking Beyond Your Current Situation

Greetings to You ~

Does it feel hard to do something beyond your comfort zone?

Break free from what has you locked in the same place, which is not moving or growing.  Look for the glimpse of light within that wants you to open up. 

When we allow ourselves to access the part of us that holds new growth things start to shift.  It can come in the most unexpected and tiniest ways.  It can even surprise you.

Be in a state of curiosity of what's around the corner that will guide you.  Think of it as an invitation to remember the part of us that longs to wake up and express itself.

Our physical world can seem so permanent, solid and hard but beyond that is the beautiful, soft place that is our Spirit.  The true beauty is there and wants to rise up for us to see it and experience it.

Does that not seem possible for you?  It's there for you and for everyone.

What captures your interest?  What catches your eye?  What fills you up with hope and inspiration?

If you're not sure.  Look deeper.  Look past what is in your day to day routine and allow it to come through.  Be open to what shows up and remain curious.

Deep within us are possibilities that we just need to allow ourselves to open up to and discover.

Express yourself just because.  Not to please someone else or receive any recognition.  Do it only because it makes you feel good.

Express yourself in whatever form that pleases you.  Photography, dancing, singing, writing, baking, flying a kite....

Just enjoy yourself.

Peace and Joy ~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are you resisting being real?

Greetings to You ~

Have you had a good old fashioned resistance attack lately?  That's when you get angry or down about not being good enough, smart enough, lovable enough, not making enough money or working hard for nothing.

You know none of this is true right?

What would the world be like if we didn't believe the old stories that others may have told us or that we have told ourselves because of past hurts.

What if we didn't resist our brilliance?  What if we were brave enough to stand up and declare our heart's desire and be willing to be brave enough and authentic enough to go after our dreams.

What if we let go of the old ways of being that creep in and hold us back?  It matters that we be real and speak our truth.

Who wants to hear your message?  Who knows. One thing is for sure, if you haven't put it out there, nobody will hear it and you'll never find out.

Be gutsy and take a risk.  Follow what's in your heart and what feels right to you.  What feels right when you're gathered with your biggest supporters.

It's very beautiful when someone becomes vulnerable and you see the real them.  When they let down their guard.  Honour yourself and be open.

We all have insecurities so let's not pretend we don't.  But let's not let those insecurities hold us back.

Remember you are good enough, worthy enough and loving enough.  Send yourself some love today as well as love for others.

Whatever you do today make it real, heart-felt, genuine and authentic.  Love you lots.

Peace and Joy ~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What's an easy way to forgive?

Greetings to You ~

How do you know whether you need to forgive?  Often when someone or something triggers a negative emotion in you or you place judgment on something that is a clue.

What neutralizes the unpleasant feeling of judgment is forgiveness.

Any time we say something unkind or even think it there is an underlying energy that needs to be released and cleared up.  This is often when resistance comes up because we want to justify to ourselves why we see it as truth.

What if the person or situation showed up as a catalyst to clean up your own emotion and state of well being?

What if you removed the resistance and simply wanted to clean up the energy?

What if it cleared up your own energy and had nothing to do with the other person?

You'd still feel better right?

Ho'oponopono is a healing process from Hawaii that means to make things right and bring balance to things.

This video has an interesting story about using Ho'oponopono that brought about rehabilitation at a prison in the 1980's.

What if you tried this method to clear up the energy you may hold against yourself or others?  This is what is referred to as energy healing.  There are many different methods of energy healing, this is just one of them.

The key is the willingness to believe that this can work.  The key to anything and all things is the belief you hold.  It's everything.

That's why you choose what makes sense for you.  Choose what resonates for you.  If you aren't open to the possibility of trying, it probably won't work.

If you feel called to experiment and try the Ho'oponopono healing process, here it is.
  1. Think of a person or situation you have a grievance with
  2. Repeat the words:
    • I'm sorry
    • Please forgive me
    • Thank you
    • I love you
The intention is to clear up your own energy to experience more peace in your own life. 

You are what you think about.  Choose the thoughts and actions that you want to project back out into the world.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Peace and Joy ~

Friday, May 14, 2010

Did you Give More Than You Received?

Greetings to You ~

How do you feel at the end of this week?  Do you feel like you still need to get more done?

If you're not feeling balanced then it's likely you expended more energy than you received.  Did you give too much to others this week and didn't receiving the support you needed.  Did you work overtime that you didn't get paid for?

There will always be ebbs and flows in our lives, that's normal.  What's important to realize is when your scales have tipped in one direction putting you in a state of imbalance.

If you feel like you're running on empty do something that will fill you up at a Spirit level.
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Go for a walk someplace in nature
  • Find a quiet space to be still
  • Look at something beautiful
Give yourself that gift even if it's for 30 minutes.  Nourish the inner and outer part of you and come back feeling refreshed and more at peace.

Have a beautiful weekend.

Peace and Joy ~

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You on the Verge of a Breakdown or a Breakthrough?

Greetings to You ~

You want the life of your dreams right?  You want to be shown the way, take inspired action and have doors open easily for you.  You hear about this happening for other people and wish you had the same experience but the complete opposite happens.  Ugh.

You’ve gone through the steps of planning, creating and taking the action that you know in your heart of hearts is moving you toward your goal and life purpose.  Then all of a sudden chaos ensues and roadblocks appear that seem to indicate you’re not on the right path.

You ask yourself, “Why is this happening?”  Is this a sign you should be doing something else?

It feels SO frustrating when this happens and you start second guessing whether this really is your next best step.  “Is my dream really worth all of this angst and trouble?”

Chaos often ensues just before the really BIG breakthrough.  You may be challenged with technology glitches or resistance from people you care about suggesting you shouldn’t move forward.

If the action you are about to take is in line with your dreams and your vision, it’s just a test to see how committed you really are. The chaos is there simply to try to make you stay right where you are.  Staying uncomfortable with your personal status quo.  The ego mind does not want to change, even when your Spirit wants so much for you to continue. 

A great quote was shared recently from John Assaraf.  “If you’re interested, you’ll do what’s convenient; if you’re committed, you’ll do what it takes.”

When you think you’re ready for a big breakthrough embrace the chaos and know you're getting ready to go to the next level.  If you’re committed to the life of your dreams you’ll do whatever it takes.

Ask for guidance and listen to your higher Self, Spirit, Source, your intuition, whatever you refer to as your greater power before you give up.  

Wishing you open doors and breakthroughs.

Peace and Joy ~

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Bridges of Transition

Greetings to You ~

Have you experienced first hand what it's like to go from being an employee, to being unemployed to becoming self-employed?  Have you ever dreamed of it?

The word transition often comes up which describes a change, passage, transformation and shift that occurs.  There are different phases along the way.

Think of three bridges of connection, healing and hope.  You'll be crossing each one of those if you choose the journey of going from being an employee to being self-employed.

While you're still an employee is the best time to connect to your higher self, the power of a greater source.  If you're experiencing the contrast of what you don't want to show up in your life it's evidence that something has to change.  Only through self discovery will you know whether it's you who has to change by doing some inner work or whether your outer circumstances need to change.

After that you may realize that you really need to transition and change what you're currently doing.  Not because you're running away from something but because you know there is something else waiting for you that you must explore.

There are different choices you can make when you cross the bridge toward healing.  Leaving your job entirely is one choice but you could make a change to a less stressful job, work part time, anything to help bring some space into your life to regain your sense of Self.

If a transition occurs that is not of your own choice it can feel like a sad and lonely time.  If you haven't done it already connect to your feelings to understand how you want the next phase of your life to be.

A transition period that has been imposed upon you can become a great blessing but needs a bit of time to sort out.  Refrain from jumping into the next thing without fully recognizing the parts of you that need to heal and become stronger first.

Stepping over the bridge to self employment is like stepping into hope.  A feeling of higher self-esteem and security when you feel comfortable being you and speaking your truth.  Abundance follows along the path of self-employment and self-empowerment.

Once you've crossed the bridges of connection, healing and hope there is a bliss filled life waiting to greet you.  Walking along the path of overwhelm and burnout is not sustainable and it may be a sign that you need to cross a bridge.

Wherever you are right now is all part of the journey.

Peace and Joy ~

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Are you working from a place of inspiration or perspiration?

Greetings to You ~

Have you been reminded lately that you're working at an extreme and frantic pace and it's not working for you?  Does it feel like a restriction of energy where even simple tasks begin to feel like a struggle?  A telltale sign is when the thought of having fun sounds like an effort.

Working harder and getting less accomplished is a frustrating experience.

If you're feeling like your groove or your rhythm is off it's a reminder to call your energy back.  Stop moving up stream and remember how it feels to be in the flow.

What are your rituals that help you stay in a good feeling place?

  • meditation
  • journaling
  • going for a walk
  • an exercise routine or yoga practice
  • eating home cooked meals
  • getting enough rest

For some of you a vacation may come to mind and that may very well be what you need for extreme recharge.  You also need to find your regular rhythm when you return, otherwise you're on a roller coast that keeps you out of balance and living for the next holiday.

It may feel counter intuitive when there are deadlines, real or self-imposed, looming over you.  But it will create clarity and focus and help you work from a place of inspiration which is ultimately more efficient.

Frantic, scattered and overwhelm energy is simply a call for you to come back to a place of Spirit.

Let your heart lead you rather than your mind.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are you finally ready to lovingly let go?

Greetings to You ~

Yesterday's blog was about transition and changing from one condition to another.

We often associate "physical healing" with our body but it's also your personal space and living environment.  Clearing clutter from your environment can be part of a healing process.

Whether it's work or personal items we often keep things that no longer bring value to our life.  You can honor the past by going through files and reports and consider this, "What can you let go of?"

If you're transitioning from a place of employment honor the work that you've done and give yourself permission to let it go.  It's a process of creating space and it's liberating.

Peace and Joy ~

Monday, March 1, 2010

Did you know this about change?

Greetings to You ~

How easily do you adapt to transitions in your life?  Are they smooth, bumpy or do you feel you're in a holding pattern?

Whether you recognize it or not you're constantly adapting and changing to new conditions in your life.  Even the seasons bring a transition where you shift from one different cycle to a new one.  

The dictionary meaning for Transition (noun) is the process or a period of changing from one condition to another.

Whether the change is brought about by your own choice or circumstances outside of your control, the transition period is an important time in your life.

Are you in a hurry to do the next thing but it's not happening as quickly as you'd like?  A tendency can be to want to hurry the transition process.  Especially when you're used to working at a fast pace.  

Part of the process is to decompress and allow yourself to get back in touch with who you really are.  A time to consciously be aware of what direction you are moving in.

Learn and grow from the past and consider the following for your future:
"When the old way is breaking up, a new way is trying to break through."
"The more precisely you plan, the harder it can be for you to adapt."
"The best things often happen when you're not expecting it."
"Let go, knowing that something far greater than you can imagine is on its way."
If you left your workplace you may feel uncomfortable shifting to a slower pace.  For some of you a slower pace feels right but you may start to feel unworthy.  

How do you feel when a new acquaintance asks what you do?  How do you feel when friends and family ask what you've been up to?  You don’t have to explain or make it sound like you're busy.  You may not have as much outer doing to share but this can be a time of great inner transformation.

Embrace this time in the void.  You can use it to prepare for what's coming around the corner.  

In the coming days I'm going to share with you ways to take care of your physical body and what you can do in your personal space to help ease the transition.

Peace and Joy ~

Monday, February 15, 2010

Source of a Greater Power

Greetings to You ~

Do you ever wonder where great ideas come from?  Think of your physical self connecting to the energy of a master computer where the storehouse of all information is kept.

We often access that information and receive downloads from the master computer even when we don't realize it.  Most of us have experienced a coincidence or synchronicity where out of the blue, we receive just what we needed.  An answer to a question, a solution to a problem, inspiration for a new project or a new idea that inspires us to take action.

How does a synchronistic event or coincidence occur?  We're not really sure, and because we can't explain it we can sometimes discount it.  But there are times when we can't explain it but feel sure that a source of something greater than us must have been involved.

Knowing that there is this source can help us keep a dream alive.  You don't know how it's going to happen but you believe the way will be shown.  It will unfold step by step.

Let's connect some dots.

  • You are grateful for what you have, even if your situation may not be ideal. 
  • You have appreciation for where you've come from and what you've learned so far.
  • You are aware of a feeling or a nudge to do something or make a change.  
  • You are aware of your inner guidance encouraging you.
  • You feel inspired to act on the nudge and you feel free and alive.  
  • You have awakened to your Spirit.
  • You are listening to your kind, gentle inner voice more often.  
  • You have awakened desires and dreams and are willing to explore.
  • You are feeling more connected to yourself and others.
  • You notice there are times when coincidence and synchronicity lead you to the next step.  

This really resonates when you've had some direct experience with it.

Particularly when the source of a higher power was involved.  How was it activated?  Where did it come from?

Tomorrow I'll share with you an experience I had last month and how the source of a greater power was activated.

Until then, stay connected.

Peace and Joy ~

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Being Present with Others

Greetings to You ~

When you awaken and connect with your own Spirit it's often referred to as "being present."  You may do this through meditating, journaling or going for a walk in nature.  It's time spent alone.

Imagine what it would be like to activate that same feeling of awareness and presence when you're with another person.  Imagine how it would feel to not just be at ease speaking with others but to really connect with them.

I'm a shy person who found it rather difficult to start up a conversation and nurture new relationships.  I also had a huge fear of public speaking and in 2003, decided to face those fears by attending a speaking group.

I was inquiring about a Toastmasters club when it was suggested that I try Speaking Circle.  It was described to me as a gentle way to unlearn habits of performance speaking and learn to be your authentic self with others.  That's when I first learned about Lee Glickstein's process called Relational Presence.

Lee Glickstein wrote the book, "Be Heard Now!" based on his own fear of public speaking.  He now teaches others to "Tap into Your Inner Speaker and Communicate with Ease."  You can unlearn habits of performance speaking and learn to be your authentic self with others.

I still attend a local Speaking Circle but now the focus is to remind myself of the importance of listening to others.  To listen to other people's silences as well as their words.  To speak when Spirit moves me rather than react to my own nervousness or interrupt a perceived awkward silence.

Chapter Four of Be Heard Now! explores Listening with the Heart:  Letting Others Be Heard Now.  I'd encourage you to read the book or visit the website if improving the art of connecting, speaking or listening is of interest to you.

Enjoy listening and being present.

Peace and Joy ~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Awaken To Your Spirit

Greetings to You ~

What does awaken your spirit mean?  Intangible concepts can be difficult to grasp until you have direct experience with it.  What is love?  Same thing, it's formless.  But you know when you feel it...the beautiful, warm connection.

The dictionary meaning for spirit is "the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.  Such a part regarded as a person's true self."

Spirit awakens through your feelings which translates to your thoughts.  It speaks kindly and gently to you, and never beats you up.  It would never say the following:

  • I'm not good enough
  • I'm too fat
  • I'm too old
  • I don't belong
  • I can't do it

Inspiration is simply when we're "in spirit."  What inspires you?  Where do you go and what do you do when you feel inspired?

It's challenging to awaken your spirit when we're "in our head."  It's sometimes referred to our ego mind or our physical self.  It's when we feel pressure or a need to figure things out ourselves.  A need to know the answers or control an outcome.

Being in your head is when you've disconnected from Spirit.  Ideally you want to be connected to both your head and your heart.

Think of your Spirit as your best friend who knows you inside and out and wants the very best for you.  Your best friend is empathetic when things don't work out the way you had hoped but never feels sorry for you.  That's because your best friend, your Spirit, always sees you in your brilliance.  Always sees your full potential.

Next time you're feeling bad about yourself or a particular situation, take your Spirit to tea.  Listen to the wise, loving, gentle advice and inspiration your best friend has to offer.

You are beautiful.  You are smart.  You are perfect just the way you are.  The way will be shown.  Be patient.  Keep moving forward.

Just like a very best friend, your Spirit is always there for you when you call.

Peace and Joy ~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Awareness of Your Inner Guidance

Greetings to You ~

Are you uncertain with making decisions about important changes in your life?  Are you aware that you have inner guidance?

Some people call it intuition, gut feeling, instinct or an inner knowing.  It's your own inner wisdom that helps us decide what's right for you.

Who's advice do you trust more, your own or someone outside of yourself?  It's fine to receive advice and information from others but it's most important to assimilate that and run your options by your own inner guidance. 

This photo of the wise man in the rock is a literal example of our inner guidance.  It's always there but we're not necessarily aware of it.  When I first took this photograph I did not see the wise man's face complete with eyes, nose, mouth and beard.

If confusion, overwhelm or frustration are present your inner wisdom won't be that clear.  It needs a bit of time and space, even five minutes to clearly focus on your options and visualize how you feel with both scenarios.  Do you feel a lift or a dip when you imagine yourself with each option?

Another way that inner guidance speaks to you is through repetitive thoughts that nudge you and won't go away.  Especially take notice of information that comes your way from three different sources about the same thing.

One of my favourite ways of accessing my own inner wisdom is through journaling.  Writing down your questions and concerns helps to bring clarity.  Then with regular practice answers can actually come through on the pages.

Trust yourself.  Only you know when something feels right.  Never, ever, ever do something out of guilt or because you think it's the right thing that you should do.  You always want to bring positive energy to your outer actions. 

So you think you should go back and get a job doing the same thing you've always done.  How did you feel when you imagined yourself doing that?  If it was a dip of disappointment you need to re-evaluate your options.  There's a hidden desire you're blocking.  Try journaling about that.

There's are two books I love to recommend.  The first is Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and the other is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  Both were published more than fifty years ago but still relevant today.  In addition to showing how important self esteem is we learn how to use our inner guidance to direct us toward our goals.

Whatever way you choose to access your inner guidance learn to trust it.

Peace and Joy ~


Monday, January 18, 2010

What's Holding You Back?

Greetings to You ~

What's the biggest thing holding you back from living the life of your dreams?  You may think right now it's time or money but there's a different answer.

It's actually not knowing how it will happen that can hold you back.

It's wanting the answers of how this dream and vision will unfold.  How would I get the money.  How would I find the time.  Have some patience with needing to know how.

Do you feel you must have everything planned in order to take the next step?  The beautiful thing is that it's the magic of synchronicity and fortuitous events that often lead to the greatest opportunities.

When you made your Exploration List, did you think of reasons why you couldn't take action?  It was on purpose that you were to imagine having a six month paid leave of absence because it took the top two common worries out of the equation.  Money and time.

It's natural for us to stay and do what we've always done.  Our subconscious actually wants us to stay right where we've always been.  If you really want the dream you can activate the energy by starting to envision it today.

We need to practice letting go of how it will happen when we create a vision.

Name the biggest things holding you back.  Is it money?  That's a legitimate concern.  How much money would you need to make the change?

Are you concerned about time?  How many extra hours would you need?  Determine the amount of time you need take the next steps.

This brings to light what's really holding you back.  Rather than having it stop you and think it's impossible, you know what you'd need to remove that obstacle.  You don't need to know "how" the solution will come but you'll know "what" you need.

1.  Get clear on your vision
2.  Know what's holding you back
3.  Be specific with what you need (i.e. time, money) to remove the obstacle

Congratulations!  You have created a vision for your dream and know what you need to move forward.

Next, we'll focus on inner guidance.

Peace and Joy ~

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Time to Explore and Do Something Different

Greetings to You ~

How did you choose the career you're in right now?  Was it based on:

  • how much you enjoy doing the work; or
  • how much money you'd be paid

If you're earning a good living but not feeling happy and fulfilled you're not alone.  So many of us have been responsible and hardworking at the expense of our own peace and joy.

Some people don't mind working at a job that is "just ok" because they do something meaningful outside of their working hours.  If you're missing something in your life that lights you up try exploring.  If you don't, it's likely you'll become discontent and miserable.

Are you living for the weekend?  A wise mentor once told me that I needed to get a mid-week life.

It didn't seem possible with the hours of work, the commute, family commitments and maybe getting some exercise.  They were all "gotta do's."  But that was an excuse for not taking action and getting out of my comfort zone.

Consider what you would do if you were given a six month paid leave of absence.

  • Would you be happy to travel and return back to your existing job?  
  • Would you want to go back to school and learn something new?
  • Would you want to complete a creative project you've dreamed about?
  • Would you spend the time developing a business idea?
  • Would you just love to spend time at home with your family?

Make an Exploration List of 10 things you would do.  This week take one action to help put the wheels in motion toward one of those dreams.

It may be to read a book, look for a course, research on-line, talk to someone who's doing what you'd love to do.  This action will activate possibilities.

Just like dating, we can go out, have fun and not get married to an idea.  Make a commitment to go somewhere where the person you dream of being would hang out.

Happy dreaming and exploring.

Peace and Joy ~

Friday, January 1, 2010

Gratitude and Appreciation in 2010

Happy New Year Greetings to You ~

Are you wanting a deeper connection with yourself and others in 2010?

One of the steps to creating or maintaining a deep connection is to stay in the high energy of gratitude and appreciation.  We want to keep this energy activated everyday and create momentum.

Why do we want to do this?  It avoids the roller coaster of feelings between good days and bad days. When we perceive things went well it's easier to be grateful and appreciative.  You'll be running your cup way more than half full by creating this daily ritual.

You'll be writing every day in a gratitude journal.  Choose whether you're going to take five minutes first thing in the morning or five minutes in the evening before you go to sleep.  It opens up your day or brings closure to your day with the high energy of appreciation.

Some people like to choose a specific number of things they are grateful for each day.  I use an engagement calendar with every day of the week on one page.

You may wonder if you really need to write it down.  Can't you just think about what you're grateful for?  It's important to write it down because the outer action brings clarity and focus.  A key step with manifestation.

Start with, "I appreciate that..." or "I'm grateful for..."  Also include at least one thing that you appreciate about yourself.
  • I appreciate that I'm finding the big and small things that are good in my life
  • I appreciate that I'm becoming stronger, wiser and more grateful
  • I appreciate that I took time for yoga
  • I appreciate my beautiful hair, eyes, smile...
  • I appreciate my unique gifts as a...

I'll share with you a quote from this week's Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar that I use as my own Gratitude Journal.
"Think of the beautiful happenings of the last year... Sow the good you did in the past on the fresh soil of the New Year, that those vital seeds may grow in an even better way."                            ~ Paramabansa Yogananda
Your feelings of gratitude and appreciation are the seeds of good things to grow in 2010.

Peace and Joy ~